Vendita online CD e VINILI musica pop, rock, jazz, blues, classica. DVD musicali e cinematografici. ALTA FEDELTA'
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Online Sale CDs and vinyls pop, rock, jazz, blues, classical music. Musical and cinematographic DVDs. HIGH FIDELITY.
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Categories: accessories, other, compact disc, DVD, Hi-Fi, books, LP, Music-Cassettes, VHS, 45 RPM.
Jazz vinyls from the 80s
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About us
Calboli Records is a real and operative shop in the old town centre of Forlμ, established by Calboli Mentor in 1929. The enterprise has always been family-run ever since, passing from the son Enzo, who developed electronics and Hi-Fi trade, to the current owner Alessandro Calboli. The shop specializes in different musical genres: jazz, classical, operatic, light, ethnic and new-age. We provide musical advice to all our customers on a wide range of musical genres. We are available to give any information and explanation about the items on the website.
Shipments and returns
Shipping costs
▪ Pick up in store: free!
▪ Progressive rate for order size
As your order increases, our shipping charges decrease. They are as follows:
- 8 on orders from 0 to 100;
- 6 on orders from 100,1 to 150;
-free shipping on orders over 150! |
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Costi di Spedizione Tariffa per dimensione ordine Da 0 a 50 : 5 Sopra i 50 spedizione gratuita! Ritiro in Negozio: 0! Metodi di pagamento Bonifico bancario, online con carte di credito e ricaricabili (tramite sicuro Paypal), contrassegno con supplemento 4 Novità [vedi]CENERENTOLA 29.90EUR |